ULAB Strengthens Officers and Staff Through Mental Health and Service Training

ULAB Strengthens Officers and Staff Through Mental Health and Service Training

Publish Date: 
Monday, October 21, 2024

The Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL) and the HR Office of the University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh (ULAB) jointly organized two separate day-long training sessions for non-academic officials and office staff on October 8 and 9, 2024, respectively. The sessions aimed to improve mental health, well-being, and service to the university. CETL Director Dr. M. Shazzad Hossain attended both the opening and closing sessions of the training.

On October 8, sixteen non-academic officers participated in two sessions. The morning session, titled "Mental Health and Well-being for Better Performance," was led by Ginia Midrha from PHWC. The afternoon session, "Relationship Management," was conducted by Muhammad Shafiqul Islam from LeadBD. Both sessions were held at ULAB and included group discussions, presentations, games, and outdoor activities.

On October 9, the twenty office staff attended similar sessions. The morning session focused once again on "Mental Health and Well-being," while the afternoon session, "Art in Service," explored skills of communication and interpersonal relationships. Muhammad Shafiqul Islam led this final session.

Both training programs were well-received, with attendees actively engaging in the discussions. ULAB's commitment to the mental health and professional development of its non-academic staff reflects its ongoing efforts to create a positive and efficient work environment for all.

Caption: Parcicipants at the Professional Development Training on October 8, 2024